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Title Congratulations by Rabbi Jack Bemporad
References (Date : 2012.03.28 / Click : 3674)
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During Master Jinje’s recent visit to the United States I was deeply honored to invite the religious leadership of New York City to meet with him, hear his words of peace, and be informed of his unique meditative practice. The response from all there was profound admiration, appreciation, and respect.

Later, in Washington, DC, before the International Leadership Luncheon comprised of leaders of Congress, the Senate and ambassadors from all over the world, I was again grateful to be asked to introduce Master Jinje and to read in English the transforming message he delivered to thousands. Again, the response was extraordinary and his reception warm and generous.

Finally it is the greatest honor for me to be here with you as we pay homage to Master Jinje for all that he is, and for his commitment to peace in the world.

All religions strive for authenticity about truth and about oneself as a means of attaining peace, both within and without. The Ganhwa Seon Meditation of Master Jinje is a significant way of investigating one's true self and of finding realization. Such a practice cannot help but bring about greater peace and justice in the world.

As Master Jinje spread his message of peace in the United States, it is my hope that he will continue to do so in Europe and other areas of the world.

Based on the response so far in the United States, I am sure that he will become recognized beyond borders of Korea. So that all individuals who love, hope and work for peace will be inspired through his teaching.

Thank you very much.  

March 28, 2012
Rabbi Jack Bemporad  




