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Answer You should take instruction from an enlightened master and go straight to Seoul
Date 2011.07.28 (Click : 3838)
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Title : Which fault is bigger, to ask or not to ask?
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Title : Since the master’s role is to listen to us and give right guidance, it is best t

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Title : Is it good for us to be examined whenever we encounter new stages in our practic
Is it good for us to be examined whenever we encounter new stages in our practice?

Jinje Seonsa : Since the master’s role is to listen to us and give right guidance, it is best to ask.



Which fault is bigger, to ask or not to ask?



Jinje Seonsa : When you want to go to Seoul, you need to go straight in the right direction, and not allow yourself to be led astray. Therefore you should take instruction from an enlightened master and go straight to Seoul without wasting any time.




